January 06, 2012

2011 the summary

As I had to speak out I never did mention it was the New Year, did I? Well I do now. Happy New Year to everyone! I wish you all fulfill everything you have to, just do your best and you'll be rewarded. May this year be the sweetest to you, and may all your dreams come true. With all my heart <3
I've got a headache. Well generally speaking I wouldn't promise to be an interesting person at all, imagine how terrifying I am when being sick. Anyways, I've got a lot of stuff to tell about.
I really have no idea what it's going to look like when I finish writing. As you may guess I'm summarizing the year 2011, I mean all the remarkable things that happened to me. Dunno Y, just want to write it in hashtags.
#Merlin. It was really something. Unspeakable. The most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. I never loved any other TV show like this. I want to thank every man on Earth who took part in it, I mean all the cast, the directors, the scriptwriters, the composers - everyone. I don't give a shit they actually never see this, I'm just grateful and there's nothing more I can say.
#ColinMorgan. The best actor/man this world has ever seen. I cannot get over him and I don't ever want to. Seems to me like I'll never stop admiring him. There's a little bitter taste in these sweetest words, but I'll grab your attention from it.
#Twitter. My 3rd account (the first two had turned out to an actual failure) been registered on January, 18. I almost reached 10000 tweets by now, my number of followers is nearly 150. I really love that shit! It's ruining my real life, making me give up on it and I still fucking love it.
#InternationalFriends. Though Twitter made me lonely in real life- Wait it actually didn't, I was already forever alone by the time I signed up there. I can never say Twitter was all bad. It wasn't at all. F.e. thanks to it, I've made a lot of foreign friends. A shit ton of friends. They're not just silent followers/strangers actually. I'm chatting w/ them a lot, and they're all being incredibly kind and nice and friendly to each other and to me personally. I guess about a half of my followers now live abroad. U.K., France, Spain, Germany, U.S., Greece, Italy and what not (if i start counting them all i'll just lose count)! All of them are #Merlinians, so we've got kinda great family x
#11thGrade. I'm in my 11th grade and I'll graduate from school in 4 months- Wait, wait what? FOUR MONTHS?! SWEET JESUS! I don't think mentioning this makes any sense though.
#Books. I read some amazing books this year. I really haven't got much time for reading since I waste a shitload of my leisure studying (against my will, typically). But I'm not that dumb, I do read. I really loved Bulgakov's "Master and the Margarita". I also read some books in English, the one I liked the most was Sidney Sheldon's "Are you afraid of the dark". I got another his book called "Master of the game" recently, still not started reading it though.
#ColdplaysNewAlbum. Favourite rock band ever. I listen to them for about two years and I never get over their songs. How's that even possible. Viva la Vida was the one that I've fallen in love with firtsly, and I still like it. But the new album! I cannot stop listening to Paradise, and Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall, Hurts Like Heaven and the others. They're brilliant.
#Music. I also discovered some other awesome rock bands. There are too many of them to keep all in memory, but the latest and the most fascinating ones are: Andrew Belle, Death Cab For Cutie, Bloc Party, Muse (not sure if they're the latest, I listen to them for about a year already) and half a dozen others.
#English. Finally. I guess I made a great step forward in English this year. It cheers me up that I feel the progress in my language skills every year. I've got "Advanced" level already but of course it doesn't mean my English is flawless. And I have a feeling I made a shitload of mistakes while writing this. I use no dictionaries but it's 5am, not really quite good time for blogging. Besides, I'm not following my own thoughts and I'm not even reading it. I can hardly bear to glance over the post when it's finished.
Actually, I think it's finished. Indeed. I really doubt if someone's gunna read this shit. Night all x

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